Tornado InstaForex
支持诚实和公平竞争的思想,InstaForex国际经纪商成为著名的ММА混合搏击俱乐部Tornado的冠名赞助商。从2010年十一月起,这个著名的俱乐部有了骄傲的新名字Tornado – InstaForex。随着有了新名字,俱乐部获得了许多新的胜利。
在十一月6号乌克兰首都基辅进行的M-1乌克兰选拔赛中,Tornado-InstaForex赢得了与Tez Tour Sport队的4场格斗。比分为3:1。在十一月26号在辛菲罗波尔“冠军的战斗”联赛中,Tornado-InstaForex以5:0的比分完美战胜了独联体精英队。然而,应该提到的是有一名拳手在第15秒时被K.O.。
“冠军的战斗”由InstaForex公司主赞助,是2010年规模最大和水平最高的搏击盛事。独联体国家混合格斗的最优秀选手均有参加。乌克兰、俄罗斯和其他独联体国家数目空前的观众——4百万之多 -——通过电视观看了比赛。

因为与Tornado-InstaForex搏击俱乐部的合作关系,InstaForex国际经纪商举办了抽取其赞助的 ProFC混合格斗联赛贵宾区门票的抽奖活动。
We have created a convenient service for buying, selling, and exchanging currencies, cryptocurrencies, and other assets.
InstaSpot is a trustworthy service for a trader, miner, freelancer, and for everyone who does business on the Internet.
Familiarize yourself with a user-friendly and reliable exchanger for digital currencies and other popular assets. InstaSpot is based on the principle of P2P trading, which allows buyers and sellers to interact directly without intermediaries. At the same time, InstaForex acts as a guarantor of the secured transaction.
We have created a convenient service for buying, selling, and exchanging currencies, cryptocurrencies, and other assets.
InstaSpot is a trustworthy service for a trader, miner, freelancer, and for everyone who does business on the Internet.
Familiarize yourself with a user-friendly and reliable exchanger for digital currencies and other popular assets. InstaSpot is based on the principle of P2P trading, which allows buyers and sellers to interact directly without intermediaries. At the same time, InstaForex acts as a guarantor of the secured transaction.
Grand Choice Contest by InstaForex
InstaForex always strives to help you fulfill your biggest dreams. We all have different dreams and goals. We have taken it into account before launching our new contest. This time, we have prepared more than one prize. The winner will have the opportunity to decide which of the dreams to pursue.
Grand Choice Contest by InstaForex
InstaForex always strives to help you fulfill your biggest dreams. We all have different dreams and goals. We have taken it into account before launching our new contest. This time, we have prepared more than one prize. The winner will have the opportunity to decide which of the dreams to pursue.
你可能会赢得一件尖端小玩意或一辆高级轿车。此外,精明的交易者和新手交易者都可以参加比赛。 记住,有时候胜利并不是最重要的。除此之外,您还将获得新的经验和交易技能,有价值的竞争,和有价值的奖品。
你可能会赢得一件尖端小玩意或一辆高级轿车。此外,精明的交易者和新手交易者都可以参加比赛。 记住,有时候胜利并不是最重要的。除此之外,您还将获得新的经验和交易技能,有价值的竞争,和有价值的奖品。
Fx Bot - InstaForex的未来
Fx Bot是世界上第一个外汇机器人,也是InstaForex团队的成员,象征着公司为客户提供交易领域最新创新的努力。Fx Bot是在网真技术的基础上创造出来的,是由俄罗斯的r.b ort公司建造的,这个国家有着几百年的科技历史。俄罗斯开发的移动机器人是一种技术诀窍,它体现了所有商人能够同时在多个地方工作的梦想。
Fx Bot - InstaForex的未来
Fx Bot是世界上第一个外汇机器人,也是InstaForex团队的成员,象征着公司为客户提供交易领域最新创新的努力。Fx Bot是在网真技术的基础上创造出来的,是由俄罗斯的r.b ort公司建造的,这个国家有着几百年的科技历史。俄罗斯开发的移动机器人是一种技术诀窍,它体现了所有商人能够同时在多个地方工作的梦想。